Selected videos of Spence Community Choir performances

100 Voices for the Homeless 2022
The Choir again joined with many others at St Andrews for the 2022 100 Voices concert to support homeless people, raising funds for Samaritan House and Toora Women. Here's an example of the songs the 100 Voices choir sang:

I'm Dreaming of a COVID-Free Christmas
During the second lockdown in Aug/Oct 2021 we produced several virtual choir videos. We wrote some alternative lyrics to well known songs and some of our choir singers, who were game to give it a go and technologically capable of videoing themselves, were supplemented by some St Simon's Kaleen singers/musicians as well as Maneerat's son. The first video Here's What To Do During The Lockdown appeared in the ABC Canberra News bulletin and went up on YouTube to raise awareness and funds for those doing it hard in the lockdown.
We did another one called Home Schooling Again and then this last one as the lockdown was easing, I'm Dreaming Of A COVID-Free Christmas. We were assisted once more by our friends from St Simon's Anglican Church, Kaleen and Belen's friend Cindy from the Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Amaroo. Click the pic below to hear and see it on YouTube. All of our virtual choir videos are available on our YouTube channel

100 Voices for Bush Church Aid 2019
The Choir joined with many others at the 2019 100 Voices concert to support Bush Church Aid at their centenary - 100 Voices for 100 years! These are 2 of the songs the 100 Voices choir sang:

100 Voices for Open Doors 2017
The Choir performed several songs at the 2017 100 Voices concert.
The two shown here are songs written by choir leader Maneerat Jeerapaet:

Entertaining at nursing homes
The Choir often performs at aged care nursing homes.
The two shown below were from performances at Villaggio San Antonio in 2014:

Dance videos
For those choir members who would like to exercise more than their vocal chords, try some of these dances that Maneerat has put up for the line dance group.
Some are not actually line dances but warmups that we do at the beginning of the class, but there are some simple line dances too.

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